A Supportive Partnership
Parent-Team Conferences
Bornhava Caregiver Workshop & Discussion Group
Facilitated by the Bornhava Licensed Clinical Social Worker, the purpose of this Bornhava group has transformed into providing our children’s caregivers with insightful presentations/events by professionals in our program, or from our community, periodically throughout the year. Caregivers can be any adult who may care for a child within the Bornhava program, and may include parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and teachers, to name a few. Information sharing within this group is important as well, and often group attendees will share resources, learning from and supporting each other, sharing challenges and successes.
Over the years, collaboration with other organizations has occurred to offer additional exciting event opportunities, and alumni and/or other caregivers may be invited to participate in group meetings as well. Families receive information about upcoming events/meetings through flyers sent home with their children, or via Classdojo.