Preschool @ Bornhava

(3 & 4 year olds)

Bornhava is approved by NYSED to provide special education services and evaluations to children ages 3-5. Our services include:

  • Evaluations
  • Center based and Integrated classrooms
  • Home and Community Based Special Education Itinerant Services
  • Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapies (in our classrooms as well as in home and community-based settings)
  • Counseling and family support
  • Caregiver Workshops

What To Expect

Each preschool class at Bornhava’s Amherst location consists of 8 or 12 children led by a special education teacher and three assistants. Speech, occupational and physical therapists, as well as a social worker, are assigned to each classroom. Services are determined by each child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Bornhava’s staff follow the New York State Prekindergarten Learning Standards as a general curriculum. This curriculum is modified and adapted to meet the individual needs of each of our students and is followed with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate independence and growth in all skill areas. 

The curriculum is presented through individual instruction, as well as small and large group instruction, and free play. Each of these instructional settings within the classroom environment allows for interaction and relationship building with peers and adults, and allows for staff to learn each child’s interests and ways they regulate. Free play offers each child an opportunity to make choices and is supervised and facilitated by staff, who encourage turn taking and imaginary play.

Integrated Setting Classrooms

Integration & Inclusion

Bornhava is fortunate to be able to provide Special Classes in Integrated Settings (SCIS) with community-based partners. We have inclusion classrooms at designated locations in partnership with Community Action Organization (CAO) Head Start in both Erie and Niagara counties. Since practices and procedures followed at these sites may vary from those followed at our Chateau Terrace location, families are encouraged to speak directly with their child’s team.

These classes provide unique opportunities for our children to interact with a variety of peers. All therapies are provided at each integrated site with carryover of skills and peer interactions being a primary goal.

Home & Community Based Services

Bornhava provides special education, social work services and speech, occupational and physical therapy in homes, daycares and preschools per the mandates on the child’s IEP.