Bornhava's Leaves & Dreams Annual Giving Campaign logo

History of Leaves & Dreams

Igniting positive change and building lasting success

In 2004, a Bornhava alumni parent learned that county funding cuts threatened the high-quality education that Bornhava provided. Determined to help, she decided that action was necessary to not only supplement the lost funding, but to help enhance and grow Bornhava’s programs into the future. She wanted to ensure that other children would enjoy the many benefits that her daughter had while attending Bornhava.

Since it was founded, the annual Leaves & Dreams giving campaign has done just that. From the addition of art and music programs, to therapy and playground equipment, staff development and building maintenance—Leaves & Dreams continues to make a difference each and every year. Bornhava’s Leaves & Dreams campaign begins on Giving Tuesday and continues through December, until the new year.

As our annual year-end fundraising appeal, Leaves & Dreams has grown to become an important part of our continuing fundraising effort. As a nonprofit organization, Bornhava relies upon the generosity of our alumni parents, caregivers, community partners, grantors, and individuals like you to help us do what we do. We’re extremely grateful for any support that you’re able to give during our Leaves & dreams appeal, or for any of our fundraising efforts..